Logo for the conference of trauma and reconstructive surgery ....... during September 10-11,2018 Singapore......................................... Greetings!! With a legacy of 30 years of excellence in Publishing and with a support of various societies, we are currently organizing, “ 5th World Summit on Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery ” ( Trauma Congress 2018 ) scheduled during September 10-11, 2018 in Singapore with a theme of “ Expanding New Horizons in Trauma and Surgery ”. On behalf of the Conference Executive Board, we are glad to invite you as a Speaker/Delegate at Trauma Congress 2018. Look forward to hear from you at earliest regarding your participation in the event. We would like to cover the partial costs involved in registration and accommodation for the speakers/delegates who are interested to attend the conference Regards Shanon Jose Program Manager | Trauma Congress 2018 | Conference Series LLC LTD (+1) 408-429-2646 trauma@conferenceint.c...
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